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Care of Spectrophotometer Cells

Cells or cuvettes are optical instruments used in the spectroscopy. These cells are manufactured with great skill, uniformity, and maintain high quality standards. Hellma is dedicated to meet the requirements and maintain the standards. Cell and other related components pass through various inspection procedures. The raw materials also undergo certification before the manufacture and packaging of these optical cells.

It has been observed that general use of cells lead to gradual degradation of precision surfaces. In spectroscopy, it is very important to have a good optical cell as it helps in providing accurate results. There are different types of solvents which mainly affect the optical cells. The use of high alkaline as well as high acidic solvent fastens the degradation of hardest glass as well as quartz cuvette. The inefficient cleaning or mishandling of these optical cells can also lead to result inaccuracy and related complaints.

Hellma uses borosilicate and fused silica glass for the manufacture of cells. These materials used are fairly inert, which help in resisting various chemicals. However, there are cases where the heating of solvent can make these cells chemically reactive. The use of nitrates, amines, sulfates, hydroxides, or oxides can lead to formation of pits in the cuvettes. These pits or discoloration of cell surface indicates damage to the cuvette. The discoloration of cuvettes cannot be removed with any chemical agent.

Cleansing of cell walls must be performed carefully, ensuring the removal of contaminants which can trigger degradation. At Hellma, cleanliness of cells is ensured before the supply of cells. The users are advised to take precautionary measures to retain the cells in original form. Cells should not be allowed to stand for long in solutions. After testing, it is advisable to rinse the cells with any unadulterated solvent. Then, the cell should be exposed to a jet of warm water to remove traces of solvents. Then, the cells should be carefully rinsed with detergent used in diluted form. The use of cotton swab is recommended for scrubbing the cell wall on the interior side. Lastly, the cells should be rinsed with pure water.

It is not advisable to blow dry the cells using compressed air. Hellma cells are blow dried using filtered nitrogen and alternatively these cells are also dried in a dessicator. If the work environment is clean, then blow drying of cells is not necessary.

The use of ultra-sonic cleaner is not recommended for these cells. Air drying of the cells with normal tap water is not a recommended practice for cleaning. Deionized water is the purest form recommended for the final cell rinse. Finally, after the completion of tests, the cuvettes must be stored in the provided boxes.

Hellma is readily available to guide the customers and their need for cleaning of spectrophotometer cells.


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